Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Rah Rah Brunch...First of the Christmas Parties

All our children. We have a total of 14!

Sara and Baily Balderson (Robin's daughter) and Mike as Santa
Our annual Christmas Brunch tradition always kicks off the season for me. I have a group of friends from high school that get together every year for Christmas. We have done this for the past, I think, at least 7 years. We always invite Santa, this year played by Mike. He did a great job. A little skinny Santa, but very cute! I love these ladies and our continued friendship!
(Robin is missing from the picture.)

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Ho! Ho! Ho!
Not a bad crew of ladies to have sitting on your lap! Of course there are no Angie Harmen's in the group but still not a bad crew!