Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas Day 2009

The only thing she wanted...Mia the American girl doll.

Joe and all his jelly bracelets...150 to be exact! this is his thing. He never takes them off and he passed them out to all his friends.

Uncle Flint trying to keep up the family tradition to finish a large puzzle in one day! BTW we still have it laying out. It is the hardest puzzle we have ever worked on.

Her first BIBLE!

Funny Funny story! Every year our church puts on this Santa helper shopping event for the kids. It is really cool to see what the kids pick out. You take your kids to the church and then they go behind a big curtain and they pick out and wrap a gift for the people on their list. The kids are so proud of what they picked and can't wait until you open it to tell you all about their choice. This year Joe picked a very special Cat Calendar for Mike. BTW Greg got some really nice camo gloves! We are got a huge laugh from the cat calendar. Joe said that Mike can take it to work and use it at his office! hee hee....


Sarah said...

Finally! I've been a clickin' on here all week to see a new post! Love the jelly bracelets...too cute. of course, how sweet of the bible...Addie got one at the beginning of the school year..since she graduated from the "little kids" to the "big kids" classes...so that first bible is kind of a heart breaker. and OK...the cat calender is CRACKIN' me up! too funny that he got the calender and big daddy got the camo gloves. What did you get???
Vintage Lily

Lisa Lew said...

So did it make it to work? That's precious!