Monday, April 27, 2009

Easter, oh the outfits!

The GIANT turtle! At our church egg fest they held a contest to see who could guess how much candy was in a giant jar. So, I got Joe and we put in our guess...AND he won!! I have never seen Joe more excited. When Ms Debbie called out his name as the winner he ran up front to collect his prize. He loves telling the story about how he won the GIANT turtle. Did I mention it was GIANT??

Yes, they did wear the matching outfits! I am not sure how many more years I will be able to pull this off.

Joe fell asleep on the way home from Granny's....too much Easter fun!
No, I didn't pose him. He really fell asleep like this.

1 comment:

Lisa Lew said...

Very cute!
We won the giant chick one year... whatever happened to that thing???